Bonded Spirits Page 9
Wofferd nearly choked as he began laughing. “Good karma? Ha! I’m never going to use that goddamned piece of shit ever again. How many merchants do you know with a mint green horse and Aurilon’s finest wine? None, that’s how many. I was just hoping you’d at least hold up your end of the bargain so I could get the hell out of here.”
I lowered my arms from Gwen and Dahlia and walked up to Wofferd. “Hey, I understand you’re pissed. I get it. But look at it this way, I’m giving you free food and lodging, and apparently some free armor as well.” I lifted the chain mail tunic that stretched out against his wide frame and dropped it with a rattle back down to his gut. “I’ll get you your money. We never agreed on a time frame. Just be patient and think of it as a bit of a holiday.”
Wofferd scoffed and wiggled his toes. “Ha, well, lucky for you, I’ve been on the road a long time. Some rest and relaxation may be just what I needed.”
“See, that’s the spirit. If you’re up to it, I’m going to address the others in the morning by the lake, I’d like you to be a part of that.”
The round man froze in his seat and then looked up to meet my eyes. “Really? You actually want me to be part of your little zoo you’re putting together here? Thanks, but no thanks.”
I scoffed under my breath and shook myself. “Suit yourself, I just didn’t want to leave you out. Who knows, you may even have an idea or two on how we could improve this place and make it safer for everyone here.”
Wofferd waved me off with a harrumph and returned his attention to the dormant fireplace.
That evening I joined Gwen and Dahlia and led them down to the armory to secure my rifle and our other weapons for the time being.
As we reached the bottom of the stairs, the familiar darkness hit me. Closing my eyes in darkness had almost become second nature to me now as I moved effortlessly, guided by the glowing outlines I could see with my Sight.
I wanted to cultivate a higher rank soon though, since I still wasn’t able to make out the smaller things and caught my shin on several boxes that were not lit up as we passed through.
We reached the door of the armory and Gwen lit a small lantern that sat on a nearby table. The light danced across the room as I secured my rifle in its new place on the wall.
I turned to Gwen. “Do you think we need to lock this door now that all the others have arrived?”
She smiled and shook her head. “You saved them. If not for you, those poachers would’ve hunted them down and eliminated them all.” She moved closer to me and undid my shirt. She pulled it up over my head and she followed suit with hers, revealing her gorgeous perky breasts.
I glanced behind her at Dahlia, who watched curiously. Gwen smiled and grabbed my chin, forcing my attention back on her. “She is here to learn how to please you. Now, take off your pants.”
Chapter Twelve
I quickly removed my pants, my cock already well on its way to hardening. Gwen slid a hand down my stomach and wrapped it tightly around my member. She squeezed, prompting a bit of pre-cum to rise to the tip.
She reached down with her other hand and spun the clear liquid with her index finger several times before reaching back and pointing that same finger toward Dahlia.
Gwen turned toward the Alraune and smiled. “Taste it. This is what a real man should taste like. This is waiting for you if you so choose.”
Dahlia leaned forward and opened her mouth slowly and sucked the tip of Gwen’s finger, ensuring she tasted every drop of hot liquid.
Gwen moved her finger in and out of Dahlia’s mouth several times and I could tell the Alraune was getting excited, licking and accepting Gwen’s finger into her mouth deeper and deeper.
Gwen finally pulled her hand back from Dahlia’s mouth while continuing to pump my shaft rhythmically, bringing me to my full hardness.
The satyress had me under her intoxicating spell, and I couldn’t wait any longer. I needed her; I needed to be inside of her. A feeling deep inside of me took over as I spun Gwen around and leaned her over one of the shorter tables in the room, prompting an excited giggle out of her.
She spread her legs slightly, revealing her wet opening. Dahlia moved closer, and I kept my eyes focused on hers as she watched me thrust my member deep inside of Gwen, prompting a loud scream that was surely heard by everyone at the manor.
The Alraune looked concerned for a moment but as she caught the look of ecstasy on Gwen’s face her shoulders relaxed.
I continued to thrust in and out as deep as I could in her tight canal. Her muscles tightened and contracted against my length.
Gwen screamed out again. “Don’t stop, I’m... nearly...” She let out a loud moan and her body convulsed in ecstasy, sending me over the edge as I emptied my load deep inside of her. I pumped several more times as if I were a train coming to a halt and let my girth fall out of her.
A brilliant light flashed through my mind, blinding me to everything else, and the scar on my chest lit brightly once more. I knew I’d just cultivated another rank for my Sight skill. After that experience, I felt like I should’ve gained at least five ranks.
I braced myself on the wall as I worked to regain my breath. Dahlia walked over curiously and brought a hand down to my twitching member, still coming down off orgasm.
She ran a finger along its length and brought it up to her mouth, tasting it, savoring it. She gave me a small smile and licked her lips as I reached down and grabbed my clothes.
I pulled my shirt back over my head and fastened my belt. “I’ve had no one watch me have sex before. That was... different. In a good way.”
Gwen dragged her clothes back on, her legs still quivering as she pulled her shirt on. “Hopefully it’s not the last.”
Dahlia blushed and nodded. “That was amazing. I may like to try that sometime.”
Gwen turned and ran a finger from Dahlia’s neck down to her breasts. “Oh, don’t worry, you will.”
The visitors had left the master bedroom open for us, as if there were some unspoken agreement that the bedroom was off-limits. The two lizard women, Cress and Shah, stood guard outside the room.
Cress greeted us as we approached. “Logan, my sister and I are at your service. Please let us know what we can do for you.” She paused and gave a small glance to Shah. “Anything.”
“Thank you for the offer, but I think what I need right now is a good night’s rest. Would you two be willing to monitor this door and alert me if something is out of place?”
Cress nodded and straightened. “Of course, we will let no one in. You can count on us.” She said the last word with a bit of a hiss.
I nodded and entered the room with Gwen and Dahlia. Cress gave me a small smile and closed the door behind us.
Gwen and Dahlia stripped down, and I joined them. I collapsed into the bed in exhaustion. As my head hit the pillow, both girls climbed up next to me and curled close. I was asleep as soon as I closed my eyes.
Morning came way earlier than I was expecting or hoping for. I was enjoying the time with the two most beautiful women I’d ever met. I let the women sleep while I slipped out of bed and dressed. They finally stirred.
Gwen looked up at me with her big pale blue eyes. “Just a little longer? It’s so warm and soft. They can wait.”
“I’d love to, but we need to find your sisters.”
She rolled over on her stomach, and her tail wiggled a bit in the air. She let out a long sigh and pushed up off the bed. “Fine, you’re right.”
Dahlia stirred slightly. She looked up weakly. “Is it morning already? I feel like I haven’t slept at all.”
I nodded and sat next to her on the bed. “Unfortunately, it is. Which means we need to get started on our plan to free Gwen’s sisters.” I paused. “Although, I think you should stay here and get some rest, you’ve been through a lot, you could probably use some extra sleep.”
Dahlia shook her head and responded softly. “No, I can’t do that. I have to help. You risked your lives to save me.
It’s the least I can do.” She pushed up from the bed and several vines and leaves sprung out from her body, which created a fresh set of new armor and clothing for her. “I think I’ll feel better once I get some fresh air.”
“I think that’s probably a good idea. I could definitely use some fresh air myself. Between Gwen’s intoxicating breath and the sweet smell of your nectar, it’s a wonder I haven’t gone completely insane.”
Gwen laughed. “Give it a little time, we’ll get you there.”
Dahlia blushed and gave Gwen a small, knowing smile.
We exited the room together. Cress and Shah were still standing guard.
Cress greeted us with a nod. “I trust you had a full night of sleep. Would you like us back again tonight to guard your room?”
I could tell the lizard woman was hopeful I’d say yes. I decided not to let her or her sister down. “Yes, please. Knowing that I have you two to guard us at night really relieves a lot of stress. Please do not feel that you need to stay here all day. You are free to do whatever you wish around the manor throughout the day. I believe I heard some sawing and hammering already this morning. You may help with whatever is being built.”
Cress nodded and smiled. “That sounds great. My brother told me he and the goblins were going to get started on the tavern first thing. That holstaur woman was very adamant that construction starts immediately.”
I chuckled lightly. “Yeah, I don’t think I’d try to do something other than what Chloe wants, when she really wants something.”
Cress cracked a small smile. “That woman is amazing.”
“I definitely agree.” I turned to Dahlia, who was still looking weak but had no outward signs of injury. “I still need to thank her for what she did for Dahlia.”
The plant woman blushed slightly and nodded. “Maybe I could help you thank her at some point.” Her cheeks turned an even darker shade of red, and I immediately knew what she was insinuating.
We bid the lizard women farewell and rejoined the others outside. Several of the new arrivals gathered in small groups along the shoreline of the lake, many cooking small fish and other food items over crude campfires.
Several of the fox girls and rabbit girls gave me seductive smiles, one even walked up to me, running a hand along one of my arms and down my side.
Gwen let out a small laugh. “Seems you’re very popular around here suddenly.”
I gave her a small grin. “It definitely appears that way.”
I stood at the edge of the lake and looked at the group that had gathered. Even old Mr. Wofferd made an appearance. The sight of him in a full set of chain mail armor and a pair of sheepskin slippers at least lightened the mood somewhat.
The murmur of those gathered dulled as I stood on a rock that protruded out of the lake. “Welcome to my manor. Again, you’re welcome to stay here as long as you wish. It may be a little small, for all of you, but you’ll find everything you may need.” I paused and scanned the group. Everyone’s eyes focused on mine. “I have a couple conditions. The first is that there is to be absolutely no fighting between us. Friendly banter is one thing, even training weapons and fighting skills are fine, but the second I smell drama, you can pack up your shit and leave.”
The goblins chattered amongst themselves, clearly not excited about the rule. Fap’zak rose and waved to get my attention. “Logan sir, does that mean any tricks as well? We love to have a good time. It’s part of who we are.”
I shook my head lightly. “No, you can still have fun. I am not insinuating by any means that you need to be zombies. I just ask that you show others the same respect that you would like them to give you.”
The goblin leader rubbed his hands together excitedly. “Excellent. Thank you Logan, sir.”
I at least appreciated the goblin’s balls to ask the question. “Alright, now, the second thing is that everyone needs to pitch in. You don’t have to pay me to stay here, but I expect you to pick up after yourselves, and help with anything that may need attention around the manor.” Everyone nodded or acknowledged in their own way. “I’ll not be hard to find, and I plan to earn my keep as well. If you have questions, ask.” I took a deep breath and met Gwen’s eyes. She gave me a small smile and nod. “Let’s try to meet up here each night, and if you have anything that you need to address, you’ll have the chance. That’s all I have for you for now. Enjoy Monster Girl Manor.” I felt almost like I was back at my outfitter’s giving my famous welcome spiel.
I walked back to the house and Gwen and Dahlia followed close behind. Gwen let out a small laugh. “Monster Girl Manor? I love it.”
I laughed and shook my head. “Well, Monster Girl Manor it will remain then.”
Dahlia joined in with sweet laughter. “I like it.” She wrapped her arm in mine and squeezed. “I don’t know how many times I’m going to say it, but thank you for saving me from that awful woman. I don’t think I would’ve lasted more than another week in those conditions.”
“I couldn’t let you stay there. You looked absolutely miserable.”
She giggled lightly and blushed. “I was. I think I can still feel the effects of whatever potions that woman forced me to take every day. They made me feel like I was outside of my body, looking in.”
“Let me know if those effects don’t go away. Who knows what she was forcing you to take. I’m just hoping we can get you one hundred percent healed now that you are at the manor.”
“Me too.” She paused. “I do owe a lot to Chloe as well. She came and checked on me occasionally to make sure I was doing okay. It was by her milk that I could survive, I truly believe that.”
It seemed Chloe had a knack for caring for others. I wanted to make sure I made her feel welcomed. I knew with as many displaced visitors as we currently had that her help would be invaluable. I rubbed my chin for a moment. “You said they used your nectar in bread and other items, correct?”
Dahlia nodded excitedly. “Yes, the nectar we produce is unlike anything else in Aurilon. It’s essential for any successful baker and also works as an incredible aphrodisiac. Although, when we remain captive for too long, our core wilts and we become dormant, thus stopping the flow of nectar and honey. I’m not sure how much I’m still able to produce.”
“If you would work with Chloe, I imagine you two could come up with some incredible food items.”
She let out an excited yelp. “Yes! I mean…” She tried to calm her excitement. “Sorry, I am just so excited to live my life without being under the control of that witch. What I meant to say is that I would love to work with Chloe to see what we could create. I think it would be fun.”
“Perfect. I think that is a great idea as well. Although I want to be the first to try the incredible things you two create.”
She nodded and smiled shyly. “Of course.” She brought a hand up to the side of my face and pulled me down to meet her lips. She gave me a long intoxicating kiss which nearly sent me over the edge and pulled back slowly with a smile.
I broke from my stupor as Wofferd’s loud voice tore me from my momentary bliss. “Watch out there, Logan! Alraune are very... lustful.” He let out a boisterous chuckle before continuing. “A satyress and Alraune, you sure know how to pick them.” He shook his head and mumbled something under his breath that sounded suspiciously like ‘That lucky son of a bitch. Oh, to be young again.’
I smiled as the large man jingled his way back into the manor like a poorly armored Santa Claus on vacation.
We followed behind and ran into the holstaur near the fireplace.
Dahlia gave her a small wave. “Hi Chloe, thank you again for healing me. I’m feeling much better!”
Chloe gave her a wide smile and threw her arms around the Alraune tightly. “Oh sweetheart, you’re just too pure to die this young.”
Dahlia laughed and smiled. “Don’t worry, I’ve survived nineteen years so far, I won’t die that easily.” Her petals alternated through an array of colors as she released the holstaur. “Logan b
rought up an idea I must talk to you about later. He thought maybe we could team up.”
Chloe smiled. “Oh, he did, did he? Hmm, yes, we will definitely need to talk about this later. First, we need to get them to finish that tavern.”
I nodded and smiled. “I know Brazz and his sisters are working with the goblins on something already. It’s probably not going to be the same as your tavern back in Dunway, but I hope it will do the trick.”
She jumped up in excitement and clapped her hands, her large breasts waved wildly in front of her with each movement. “Oh, I hadn’t realized they started it already. I hope you don’t mind. I noticed a pile of lumber out back that isn’t currently being used, so I kind of asked them to put it to use.” She stopped and rubbed her foot back and forth along the wooden floor. “I’ll need your help to pay off the goblins, though. I may have overpromised them their payment if they started on it immediately.”
I shrugged. “I am sure we’ll figure something out once I learn how to pay them.” I realized I didn’t know exactly how money worked here. I was going to need to figure that out if I wanted any hope of bartering with anyone down the road. “Please let me know if you need any additional help. I may even get Wofferd to pitch in.”
“Not happening.” The old man quickly piped in from across the room.
We left Chloe to her new project and quickly gathered additional supplies to hunt down the remaining poachers and to find the rest of Satyrs. As Gwen and I geared up, I noticed Dahlia was eyeing the weapons along the wall. She pulled a decent quality compound bow off the wall and a quiver full of arrows before shifting over to the armor.
I furrowed my brow and eyed her curiously. “Are you sure you’re feeling up to coming with us? I think some rest would do you very well.”
Dahlia moved toward me with determination in her eyes. “Yes, I’m not leaving your side. I owe my life to you. I’ll spend the rest of my days trying to make it up to you, starting with today.”